Lane Clegg » Snowboard DECL Team

The Snowboard DECL (Division Education and Clinic Leader) team is a group of highly trained instructors who are responsible for running the various Snowboard clinics and assessments that the Division offers.

Members of this team have have been hand-selected from the Snowboard Educational Staff; for more information on this process, take a look at this page.

Lane Clegg


Hometown:  Depends–either Salt Lake City, Utah or Fort Bridger, Wyoming– I have always spent summers in Wyoming and winters in Utah so both feel like home.

Sponsors:  Burton, Hestra, RED, Anon

Favorite Run: Varies by snow condition, but something off the Cirque Traverse at Snowbird or the Alta Chutes at Jackson Hole

Favorite movie:  Dodgeball

Playlist:  Shuffle – I like to be surprised

Just Read:  Hunger GamesTrilogy – saw the movie first and wanted to get some insight…

Coolest Place I’ve ever been:  Too many to count – from local to Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand

Average days on snow:  Haven’t added it up lately but would guess something in the 175–200 days range, including early and late season training

Top Three off-snow activities:

1.  Mountain biking

2.  Spending time on my ranch–sure it’s work but I enjoy it

3.  Travel

First skiing outfit:  No clue – I was 4 years old.  I do remember leather lace-up boots and safety straps.  I do remember some of my first snowboarding clothing however – very day-glo…

Unusual Talent:  Talking people into doing things they wouldn’t normally do.

Can usually be found:  Working somewhere – either in Utah or Wyoming

Snowsports goal:  To more closely unify the different divisions in certification.  Any level of certification should have the same recognition no matter where the instructor received it.


Home Resort:

After many years of service, DECL staff are welcome to partake in the AASI-I Emeritus Program.