Highlights from ASEA

By Kent Lundell



The following are highlights from the spring ASEA Board of Directors meeting.

Chair’s Report
PSIA/AASI’s relationship with industry partners is stronger than ever and continues to be a major focus moving forward. Visitations to divisions last season has helped re-establish trust and fostered better communication, collaboration and consolidation (three Cs).

Operations Update
CEO Update – We must double our commitment to beginner conversion and evaluate ways adventure and fun are delivered at the beginner/novice zone.
Marketing – Podcasts deliver more education to members and received over 12,000 downloads, members prefer information in email form, and new campaigns are meant to recruit members and advertise PSIA/AASI to the public.
Finance – We received a clean audit. Current budgets are allocating reserve monies to address future expenditures.

GM & Resort Owner Survey
Resorts want instructors with great guest service and teaching skills. They believe instructors play a key role in generating recurring customers.
Speaker John Rucker, president of Head, said manufacturers are in a bind because hard good prices haven’t risen with the price of skiing and the economy.
He said skier visits have leveled out, though retention of new skiers is up two percent from eight years ago.
The value of the instructor relationship for sponsors is in promotion to the public. We should support sponsor products.
Breckenridge COO John Bueller said instructor retention is an issue and is targeting a 60-80 percent retention rate. Earning Level 2 certificaton is seen as a key indicator for instructor retention.
Vail Resorts believes in PSIA/AASI and shows it by paying candidates’ exam fees.
PSIA/AASI retention interests parallel resorts’ retention interests and provide cooperative opportunities.

Lifetime Membership Awards

  • Mark Nakada, Intermountain
  • PJ Jones, Intermountain
  • Carol Levine, Western
  • Jorg DutschKe, Western
  • Roger Engstrom, Western
  • Don Portman, Northwest

New Awards

  • Top of the Course, Johnny Crawford
  • Rising Star, Jamie Marso-Tanner
  • Three Cs, Tom Hawkeye Moore

Kent Lundell is the IMD representative to the ASEA national board of directors.


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