Alex Davenport » Adaptive DECL Team

The Adaptive DECL (Division Education and Clinic Leader) team is a group of highly trained instructors who are responsible for running the various Adaptive clinics and assessments that the Division offers.

Alex Davenport

Adaptive DECL, Board Member


Originally From: Flagstaff, Arizona

Years Instructing: 13

Favorite Skier or Snowboarder: Robin Barnes

Why do you work in the ski industry? I love connecting with people while sliding on snow! Seeing the lightbulb moment when a student feels a new sensation keeps me coming back year after year.

What else do you do besides skiing/snowboarding? I enjoy mountain biking, fishing and hunting in the off season. I’m also dedicated to making the outdoors accessible for people with disabilities as the Executive Director of Ogden Valley Adaptive Sports.

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? Joan Garry – To pick her brain on how to be an effective leader in the non-profit business world.