Goodbye Edge, Hello Face Shots!

By Kim Prebish, PSIA-AASI Communications V.P.



Intermountain is changing with the times! As the world of communication moves in leaps and bounds we are working to keep in touch with you efficiently and effectively. 

For decades we have used The Edge, as the way we get information to you, our members. But many of you have told us that in the newly paperless world, you would rather hear from us in different ways. We are ready to take on the challenge! This digital Edge will be our last. Look out for our new email posts: Face Shots in your inbox soon. Face Shots will keep you notified of upcoming events, elections, scholarships and good news. Also expect more adventures and awesome days on the slopes shared on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Take a minute now to “like” us on your favorite social media.

For those of you who still love print in your mailbox, National’s “32 Degrees” will be there. This great publication, produced three times a year, is mailed to our homes AND you can read it on the National website. It is full of educational news, member happenings, job information, and articles to get us stoked for our work in the mountains. Look out for the new feature highlighting our division in each edition. 

Are you saying to yourself… But how will I find out what clinics are being held? What are the details of the Ed College or Spring Clinic?  What do our president, discipline managers, and trainers have to say? Well, all of this information will be published on the website and will appear in your inbox as Face Shots. The online calendar is still your go to for event dates and sign up. Everything you want to know and more will be right at your fingertips! What if you wanted to write an article?  Well, you can do that on the National website and submit your piece to “32 Degrees”.

Welcome to our new communication “world”!


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